Episode 213

Radio Advisory Live: Why "value" doesn't have to be zero sum, with Stacey Richter

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About this Episode

The healthcare industry has been rocked by the pandemic and thrown headfirst into a new era of technological and therapeutic revolution. Yet, in the midst of all this change and uncertainty, healthcare leaders are expected not just to survive, but actually drive value for their organizations, patients, and communities. The problem is, “driving value” is not only complex, but it’s also ambiguous. Leaders who talk about value across the industry may not even be talking about the same thing. So, how should the industry think about driving value and what does it take to get this right?

In this episode, live from Advisory Board’s 2024 Value Summit, host Abby Burns invites Stacey Richter, healthcare entrepreneur, co-president of Aventria Health Group, and host of the Relentless Health Value podcast, to break down what “value” in healthcare actually means, where organizations go wrong, and how we can work to improve value across the industry.


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A transcript of this episode as well as more information and resources can be found on radioadvisory.advisory.com.