Episode 214

Is Governance the answer to AI integration? Duke says yes.

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About this Episode

Generative AI is one of the most widely discussed topics in the industry today. There is continued excitement, mounting anxiety, and dozens of questions for health leaders to answer. While the healthcare industry has been working tirelessly to adapt to the almost unbelievable rate of change, many organizations struggle with how to ethically implement and scale Artificial Intelligence.

This week, host Rachel (Rae) Woods invites Duke University Health System's Chief Information Officer, Dr. Eric Poon, to discuss how Duke has approached ethical implementation of AI—and how their efforts started long before ChatGPT existed. Throughout the conversation, they discuss the early challenges Duke faced, offer tactical guidance for successful implementation, and explain why proper governance is critical to ethical AI adoption.


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A transcript of this episode as well as more information and resources can be found on radioadvisory.advisory.com.